Personal Development

Exploring the Depth of Self-Esteem

Self Esteem Keys

Does it happen to you that when you are embarking on a new path, position, or relationship, you doubt yourself? If Yes, this Article will you insights on this essential topic of Self-Esteem.

Self-Image Blueprint

Self Image blueprint

How we see and feel about ourselves is influenced by our past experiences but majorly its foundation is in the roots which are our upbringing and influence from family, friends, and society. Our initial advancement of self-esteem is vigorously affected by parental perspectives and conduct, these later moves as our social collaborations move outside of the home, getting more affected by friends and society.

A young boy who is always told what to do, what not to do and never took his own decisions it may be something small like selecting color of his clothes, selecting whom he should collaborate and what should be his career impacts his self-image deeply. Absolutely being disciplined is good and extremely essential while too much involvement leads to doubt their own worth and start asking for validation, even if they are capable and mature enough.

These small incidents create a deep impact on our lives, but not necessarily we always have memories regarding it but it is registered in our subconscious mind. It has all the past experiences shrink into small conclusions we call them “beliefs” which influences everything we do.

Self-worth is filled by ‘saw capability in spaces of significance – which means how well you prevail in territori­­es your life you regard significant. It can be gotten from inside and outside variables (example, how much cash do I make versus how kind an individual I am) and researcher have discovered that people who center around inner elements have higher self-esteem in general.

The Theory of Self worth

This is the theory that a person’s life goal is self-recognition and that this recognition is a product of their accomplishments. This theory also holds capability, determination, performance, and self-esteem as its model elements.

These four elements cooperate with each other to contribute to how we regard ourselves. It may be relatable, but should we really be placing so much importance on our accomplishments just to determine our self-worth? What really determines one’s sense of value?

1. Physical Appearance

Physical appearance and self esteem

Do you feel your physical appearance affects your self-esteem?

Some are more healthy, some are skinny, some have a dark tone, some have a white tone, some people at a young age face hair loss, and some have spots on their skin—just a few examples I can remember. While a common theme is that we all somehow have insecurities about ourselves, we might hide them well, but acknowledging this will be a game changer for you.

Accept that you are unique; God has created you this way. Make the best, do the best you can, but finally accept yourself. The magical thing about acceptance is that when you accept yourself as you are without regret, the people around you accept you.

Stop saying why I am not like this or like that. Instead, say I am special in my own way. Don’t let physical attributes affect your present and future.

2. Achievements


How much we achieve and where we stand in comparison with others have a deep influence on how we perceive ourselves.

Achievement is a personal thing. For some, scoring marks may be a success; for others, getting that promotion; and for some, winning an argument with someone. While the thing is, don’t compare your achievement with others.

Don’t judge yourself or feel negative if you think you haven’t achieved anything worthwhile. You certainly have to, if you go past in the memory lane, think of things that you accomplished in childhood and keep that special feeling intact with you.

Time is very powerful. The person who looks like nothing can be a celebrity in the near future or maybe a top politician. Keep reminding yourself that you are special, not because you achieved something, but because your existence is making a positive impact on many people’s lives (family, friends, co-workers).

READ THIS ARTICLE ON “3 Ways to Increase your Value”

3. Possessions


Have you noticed the feeling you had when someone was talking about the things they purchased? Maybe a premium 5-seater, a bike, A lavish house, whatever. If that feeling is affecting you, then it’s perfectly fine, but if that feeling is impacting your self-worth, then change is required.

It’s absolutely fine if you want to have many luxurious things, but the reasons behind them are equally important. If you think of a possession, it’s nothing more than a document saying you possess that particular thing.

You can build your legacy at any given time if you feel you don’t have anything that is yours. This is the time. But only build possessions when

  1. You want to secure your future.
  2. Build for the future generation.
  3. Free up your time to spend it on your hobbies.

Possession is not just something you buy; it can also be something you create. A company, a website, a product, a book, or real estate—anything of these sorts that has your name attached to it is also your possession.

So be proud of the things you have created till now, and also have that urge to create even more, but patiently and calmly.

4. Profession

Professional success

When we get into the meaning of profession, it’s a useful task to the service of people that is helping you generate money to fulfil your and your family’s  needs.This can be done by the job you are doing, by providing services, by creating valuable products as per need, or by anything.

Every profession is respectable until it’s not harming human values. Every profession has its own scale of growth; some will have more and others will have less. Until you feel satisfied and useful through the task you are doing, that is absolutely fine.

But when we attach money to it, the complexities related to it start occurring. Now the thing is, some people in the same profession grow differently for various reasons. But the two things that impact growth are mastering your skill and being creative in applying the skill.

If you see yourself growing in your profession, no matter what you do, you will feel valued.


 Provide value to feel valuable

The first and most ideal approach to improving your sentiments of value is essentially to offer some help to other people; be caring to others just as to your future self. Be of administration, which means offering some benefit without any desire to get anything consequently. It contains the prerequisite that you give unequivocally. It’s fundamental to have both a spotlight and an expectation of what we need so as to get it. Also, it’s hard to show what you need without being of administration to other people. Offering some benefit by being of administration makes a void that the universe will fill for you.

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6 Best Learnings from Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is not only a Hindu holy book, but it is a life lesson that we got from Lord Krishna when a war between Pandavas and Kauravas was about to begin on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. At that time, Krishna advised Pandavas, prince Arjun, to clear his doubts about the war.

Even today, whenever we face life difficult situations, those lessons are as important and showing the right direction to us as they were for Arjun during the war of Mahabharata.

Here I am sharing 6 Lessons from Bhagavad gita:

1. Concentrate on your goals, do your work and do not focus on the result

Bhagavad gita learning 1

When a person starts a task, he is initially concerned about the outcome. As a result, he is unable to focus on his work and produces work of inferior quality. As a result, he does not achieve his goal. If you want a 100% result, you must first work with 100% devotion, according to Krishna.

When you focus on rewards, you are more likely to be concerned about failure and depressed if the outcome is not favorable. To achieve your goals, the Bhagavad Gita recommends focusing on the process.

2. Nothing is Permanent in this World

Bhagavad gita learning 2

Bhagavad Gita communicates a very powerful and important message that nothing is permanent in this life.

Like seasons are temporary in nature, similarly, pain and pleasure are impermanent. Tough times will come and go; learn to tolerate them without being affected by them. The only thing that is constant is change.

Ups and downs, difficult times and situations will come and go in life. Be patient and learn to tolerate them without becoming affected by them.

3. Don’t be controlled by your Desire

Bhagavad gita learning 3

All desires, feelings and thoughts are born out of mind which leads to attachment, a cause of anger. Desire and anger are the greatest enemies of a person. As a human being, you are prone to having desires. Yet you should neither suppress your desire nor let it control your life and mind. According to the Bhagavad Gita, desires are bound to come.

So having a desire is not a problem, but one should have full control over that desire. Be aware of what you really desire. Gita explains a justifiable and right way to fulfill desire by discovering yourself.

It helps you to understand and manage your desires, emotions, taking right decisions and actions.

4. Face your Fears Bravely

Bhagavad gita learning 4

The achievement will hold no value if you have fear in your mind. Fear, in other words, means doubt in your abilities. It will not only make you forget the goals out of fear but will also make you worthless, but in the case of fearless souls, the sky is the limit.

Fear, according to the Bhagavad Gita, is a material illusion, and our true focus should be on fulfilling our duties during our limited time on this planet. Lord Krishna instructs a weak and trembling Arjun not to abandon his duty because of material fears.

Fear of failure and respect for yourself are the two obstacles to reaching your goals. Gita advises facing your fears bravely.

5. Your life is based on your Beliefs

Bhagavad gita learning 5

You are what you think you are. Your thoughts make and define you. If you think of being happy even in times of failure, you will be happy. If you let revenge take over your mind even in times of success, you harbor negative impressions.

Having positive thoughts helps you achieve a balanced perspective, stay confident, overcome negative notions, prepare well to meet challenges, and channel your energy to achieve your goals. So, do not let negative thoughts take over your mind and ruin your chances.

6. Don’t doubt your Abilities

Bhagavad gita 6

Doubting oneself is the first step toward self-destruction. We humans generally have little idea of what we are capable of because we limit ourselves by comparing our successes with others, by thinking we are not good enough, or by confining ourselves to social standards.

We fail to understand that our abilities, beliefs, and goals should matter most to us. Doubting ourselves will not only hinder the journey to success but will also lead to not realizing our full potential. So, don’t doubt yourself or your abilities.

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5 Personal Skills for the Future

The skills of the future are those that can help you solve issues and deal with challenges in a productive way. These abilities would help you adjust to the new workforce and workplace. The acquisition of these novel skills can raise your profile and position you as a future asset for a business or employer.

Future skills are crucial for building relevant abilities and enhancing your professional prospects. Companies need these skills, so regardless of a candidate’s career path, employers may choose to hire people who are committed to honing these skills.

Here are 5 Skills required for the future:

1. Communication and coordination skills

For any profession, it is imperative to possess strong oral and written communication abilities. Your capacity to understand the meaning of both spoken and written language and to express information elegantly can be improved by having effective communication skills.

To connect with coworkers and achieve professional objectives, such as raising a product or service’s sales numbers, communication is essential in the workplace.

Effectively expressing your ideas to others, paying attention to what people have to say when you speak, offering and accepting constructive criticism, and developing relationships with potential customers can all increase your prospects of stepping up in your professional career.

Communication is also about understanding others need and expressing yourself according to the situation. This involves Developing Empathy, Emotional Intelligence and knowing subtle body language clues. This all has been covered in my Master People Skills Course.

Complete Course on Mastering People Skills: Connect, Build Trust and Read People

2. Complex problem solving

The ability to gather information, analyse a problem, and come up with a solution is known as “complex problem solving.” You can handle professional situations in real life more successfully with the help of this expertise. Organizations regularly deal with complicated problems and seek out employees who can give useful answers.

In every profession, problem solving is essential. Every part of life is subject to the constant bombardment of challenges. Your problem-solving abilities will improve, giving you a unique advantage that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Future difficulties will be solved by people with innovative ideas and creative problem-solving techniques because technology can handle figures and numbers.

3. Time Management

Like other soft skills, time management abilities are widely valued. It requires controlling both your own and other people’s time.

Time management refers to working effectively, and businesses across all industries seek employees who can utilise their time at the workplace to the fullest. People must evaluate their workload, set priorities, and keep their attention on tasks that will be fruitful.

Better time management also allows us to devote more time to the things we value. Knowing how to manage your time properly is important as it brings a number of great benefits to your work routine and life overall. 

1. Time management helps you achieve what you want faster
2. Time management helps you waste less time and avoid more friction and problems
3. Time management helps you clear your schedule for more leisure time and feel more energized

 There are some crucial techniques and practises you can follow to manage your tasks better.

Check this Complete Course on Productivity & Time Management Hacks for Procratinator

4. Growth Mindset

A growth mindset increases a person’s likelihood of realising their full potential. It’s crucial to have a growth mindset since it can help you get through challenges you might encounter when learning something new or mastering a new skill.

Growth mindsets are aware of the value of perseverance and willpower. With a growth mindset, we believe our skills and smarts can develop over time. If we fail at something, that’s okay, because we learn from it and try again, which makes experimentation exciting.

With this mindset, you focus on the big picture, stay patient, and reach your potential.

5. Resilience

Resilience is a skill that can benefit you at all stages of your career development. It is the ability to face challenges, adapt to them, and overcome them. A person with strong resilience skills can handle disappointments because they don’t let setbacks keep them from progressing.

According to the research of leading psychologist, Susan Kobasa, there are three elements that are essential to resilience: Challenge, Commitment and Personal Control.

Like other people, they experience difficulties and stress, but they experience those factors more positively and don’t allow them to impede success. For instance, a person with resilience who receives an email rejecting his application for a job can feel dejected but also determined to use what he’s learned from the experience in his next job application.

Get this Free eBook immediately > You Are Worth It – A Guide To More Self-Esteem

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The Science of Staying Motivated and Committed

Motivation is a powerful but mysterious force of nature. It is sometimes very easy to become motivated, and you find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of excitement. Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself, and you’re stuck in a death spiral of procrastination.

Researchers are beginning to gain a better understanding of the science of motivation. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger in the brain associated with pleasure), has recently been identified as a powerful motivator. Dopamine has been shown in studies to transmit signals prior to receiving rewards, encouraging us to achieve something positive. quote on motivation

The good news is that contrary to popular belief, self-motivation can be changed, and it isn’t some innate, God-given trait. Research shows that there are some proven ways you can become self-motivated, even when the going gets tough.

Here I am sharing practical actions to help us get more done with less friction.

1. Build Conscious Habits

Conscious Habits

Because habits are so ingrained in our lives, they have an impact on our motivation. Certain habits or routines we develop encourage motivation, whereas others distract, drain, or de-motivate us.

The solution to staying motivated is to learn how to control your habits. So that you can steer and use them as a tool to create consistent and systematic inputs or actions toward a desired output or outcome.

Related Article: 20 Positive Quotes about habits to change your life

2. Get Clear with your WHY

Sense of Clarity

When we are working toward our goals, we are usually clear about what we are doing and how we intend to proceed. But one thing is missing, and it is crucial to the journey, and that is your why.

What is your main reason for doing that, and why is it so important to you?

The more compelling your reason, the more determined you will be to complete your journey. For example, I am reaching out to you; my content is reaching out to you via an article. Am I an expert at everything I do? Perhaps not.

Because my why is so clear, I want to use my writing, videos, and courses to help you reach your full potential and ultimate goal. All of these are ways for me to serve you and share my knowledge with you through various mediums, and this is my WHY.

Find a compelling reason to get out of bed every morning and work toward your desired outcome.

Related Course: Reinvent yourself and Become Best self

3. Goldilocks Rule

goldilocks rule

According to the Goldilocks rule, humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are just beyond their current abilities, but not too difficult or too easy. Humans enjoy challenges, but they should be at the maximum level of difficulty.

Consider running a marathon alongside a professional athlete who has been training in the same field for many years. He has his own schedule and training regimen. Will you be motivated while running alongside him? NO, because you know your chances of winning the marathon are slim.

Consider another scenario: if you are running a marathon with a 10-year-old boy, will you be motivated? No, because you’re going to win the marathon.

However, if you are running a marathon with someone who has the same schedule as you, he is either employed or owns his own business. If you put in the necessary effort, you have a good chance of winning the marathon.

This is similar to motivation when setting goals. If you set goals that you know you won’t be able to achieve, your motivation will fade and you will set goals that are simple to achieve.

Apply the Goldilocks rule to your life; whether it’s your fitness, career, or business, set a goal that is challenging but still attainable.


5. Find Effective Rewards

Assume you work in a gym and have set a goal for yourself to work out for one hour every day. But you are only able to work for 30 or 45 minutes for some reason. Today, however, it is different because you will reward yourself as soon as you reach your goal.

When training dogs or any other animal, the same principle applies: we push their limits, motivate them for the reward, and we can get things done from them.

Even in the corporate world, if an employee reaches a certain milestone, the company will reward them with some sort of bonus or incentive. It motivates them to do even better than before, and they are motivated to achieve that specific goal.

When you achieve a small goal, treat yourself to something you enjoy (a Movie, Favorite snack, a trip or anything else)

Related Video on Habits that kills motivation

5. Learn to manage your stress

Stress can cause brain changes that reduce motivation. According to a recent study, increasing stress levels can reduce motivation to pursue reward by influencing prefrontal cortical activity (the area of the brain that governs the integration of emotion, motivation, and cognition).

Learning to manage stress is one of the most important things you can do to improve your motivation and willpower.

When you are stressed, your body goes into fight or flight mode, encouraging you to focus on short-term goals and outcomes. However, self-control necessitates keeping the big picture in mind.

Get this Free eBook immediately > You Are Worth It – A Guide To More Self-Esteem

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Why Self investment becomes your most valuable asset

Did it ever come to your mind that you can invest in yourself?

What does it mean to invest in yourself? When you hear the word investment, the first thing that probably comes to mind is finance. But you can invest in a lot more, for example, investments in your health, knowledge, experience, or personal development. It may ultimately pay off even more than any stock.

In this Article, Erika will share her view on why Investment in yourself is most valuable.

A good investment is essentially one thing: a good decision.

And our ability to judge and evaluate depends heavily on our knowledge and how well we have invested in ourselves. The school does not teach you the most important lessons and topics, such as self-empowerment and self-discovery. These are the crucial qualities and skills that everyone needs sooner or later.

Self Investment by Romil

Previous Article on: How to be a Leader of your own Life

Health is everything

The first way to invest in yourself is to focus on your health. It costs money to eat healthily, but better health benefits only become apparent over time.

When you are in the best of health, you can work productively. Also, physical fitness leads to better mental health, which means you’ll be in a better mood and have greater mental clarity.

Since health problems often only arise after years of inadequate nutrition, and eating habits, you should act early and set the right course. The longer you put off a healthy lifestyle, the harder it will be to correct later.

You know exercise is good for you. Exercising regularly a few times a week gets rid of calories and leads to a healthier lifestyle. With fitness, you have both: physical and psychological benefits.

Do inner workinvest time in a journey to find yourself. Try Meditation.

quote on Self Investment

Another important investment

The most important investment you can make in the digital age is an investment in yourself. Algorithms and machines are substituting more and more activities. However, what a machine can never replace is your uniqueness as a human being. And this is right what you need to strengthen.

What you invest in yourself is the one thing no one can ever take from you! You can lose everything, but not your knowledge. Your mind, skills, and attitude are part of you, and you cannot lose them.

Once you have decided, you must determine what you are investing for yourself. Many people find this first step difficult.

Your investment will drive you out of your comfort zone

Essential is to invest and not just spend money on a coach or product, but act on what you learn and use it. You spend money and get back a multiple through the newly learned skills and your personality’s growth.

Some people think that they can’t do it financially. You would have to save elsewhere, like shopping less, short vacations, and eating out?

Once you have decided, you must determine what you are investing for yourself. Many people find this first step difficult. But if you invest in yourself, you can reap the benefits later.

RELATED: How to Build Habits that Lasts

Investing in yourself is not a question of money but the will to invest time to acquire new knowledge. Do what you enjoy and what interests you. Only those who follow their passion will not have to regret anything in old age.

Depending on your needs, look for someone who can inspire you and guide you on how best to invest in yourself and thrive. A Coach is very good at this.


Why should you invest in yourself?

It is about the most natural thing in the world: growth and happiness.

You want to be happy, achieve your goals, and be the best version of yourself.

You do not have to settle for the low wages.

You do not have to settle for a job you don’t enjoy.

It’s about investing in the most critical thing in our lives: In yourself! Material items are perishable, but knowledge is the most expensive commodity we can only achieve with many resources.

Investing in developing your skills and abilities will make you more productive, innovative, and adaptable to the changes that are on the horizon.

Check this Powerful Course on 8 Pillars to Reinvent yourself and Become Best Self

Get this Free eBook immediately > You Are Worth It – A Guide To More Self-Esteem

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Self Leadership – How to Lead your own life

When people mention leadership, the focus is quite often on others—how leaders serve, empower, and motivate them. Lets take a different approach and talk about how to be a leader of your own life.

what if we flip the plot?

What if, instead of focusing on leadership in relation to others, we focused on the leadership we can perform in our own lives?

To lead your life from including you in the picture, here are 7 elements you need to consider

Self Leadership quote

1. Identify your Value system

To be a self-leader, you must first understand who you are and what your core values are. You must then have faith in yourself to act in accordance with those values. You must act and live in a way that is true to yourself. That does not imply that you live your life without regard for others. It simply means that you value your own as much as you value theirs.

2. Doing what’s right, not what’s easy

There are some things you just don’t mess around with. There is no room for compromise when it comes to integrity, honesty, and ethics. Maintain consistency between what you say and what you do; keep integrity at the core of your character and you will never lose sight of it. We’re all human, and no one is perfect. However, you can always make an effort to choose what is right over what is convenient or personally beneficial.

RELATED: 7 Qualities to be a GREAT LEADER

3. Leading by example

Every day, whether you realize it or not, you are setting an example for those around you, whether positive or negative. Because your life is your message, you must decide what message you want to send in order to be the leader of your life.

Lead your own life

4.  Honoring others

Others will advise you to ensure that you receive all of the credit and validation that is due to you. Being the leader of your own life, on the other hand, entails learning to be humble and to give credit where credit is due. Going out ahead of others is only one aspect of leadership; you must also follow them. Instead of seeking recognition for yourself, demonstrate that you support them and recognize and appreciate them.

5. Intentional decision-making

It’s tempting to want to have all the answers, mitigate all the risks, or wait until the right time comes before making a decision. But you can’t wait forever for those things, and by then, everything has changed. Accepting your ability for contribution, which you exercise through the decisions you make, is what it means to be a Self Leader.

POWERFUL COURSE ON 8 Pillars to Unlock your True Self

6. Actively reject pessimism

There will always be something to be discontented with. Instead, have a zero-tolerance regime for negativity. The more you reject defeatist, critical, pessimistic, and unenthusiastic thinking, the more room you make in your life for positivity. As the master of your own life, you have the power to make yourself unhappy or happy with the decisions you make every day.

Leadership by Romil


7. Adaptability

Leadership isn’t an inherent quality, as was once thought, so your willingness to learn should be part of your adaptability. Learn from your own and others’ mistakes and apply what you’ve learned to become a better person.

You must be the leader of your own life.

It will be chosen for you if you do not choose your own priorities, actions, and mindset. What happens in your life will be determined by others. The longer you allow this to happen, the more difficult it will be to lead yourself again.

Get this Free ebook immediately > You Are Worth It – A Guide To More Self-Esteem

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