Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is not only a Hindu holy book, but it is a life lesson that we got from Lord Krishna when a war between Pandavas and Kauravas was about to begin on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. At that time, Krishna advised Pandavas, prince Arjun, to clear his doubts about the war.
Even today, whenever we face life difficult situations, those lessons are as important and showing the right direction to us as they were for Arjun during the war of Mahabharata.
Here I am sharing 6 Lessons from Bhagavad gita:
1. Concentrate on your goals, do your work and do not focus on the result

When a person starts a task, he is initially concerned about the outcome. As a result, he is unable to focus on his work and produces work of inferior quality. As a result, he does not achieve his goal. If you want a 100% result, you must first work with 100% devotion, according to Krishna.
When you focus on rewards, you are more likely to be concerned about failure and depressed if the outcome is not favorable. To achieve your goals, the Bhagavad Gita recommends focusing on the process.
2. Nothing is Permanent in this World

Bhagavad Gita communicates a very powerful and important message that nothing is permanent in this life.
Like seasons are temporary in nature, similarly, pain and pleasure are impermanent. Tough times will come and go; learn to tolerate them without being affected by them. The only thing that is constant is change.
Ups and downs, difficult times and situations will come and go in life. Be patient and learn to tolerate them without becoming affected by them.
3. Don’t be controlled by your Desire

All desires, feelings and thoughts are born out of mind which leads to attachment, a cause of anger. Desire and anger are the greatest enemies of a person. As a human being, you are prone to having desires. Yet you should neither suppress your desire nor let it control your life and mind. According to the Bhagavad Gita, desires are bound to come.
So having a desire is not a problem, but one should have full control over that desire. Be aware of what you really desire. Gita explains a justifiable and right way to fulfill desire by discovering yourself.
It helps you to understand and manage your desires, emotions, taking right decisions and actions.
4. Face your Fears Bravely

The achievement will hold no value if you have fear in your mind. Fear, in other words, means doubt in your abilities. It will not only make you forget the goals out of fear but will also make you worthless, but in the case of fearless souls, the sky is the limit.
Fear, according to the Bhagavad Gita, is a material illusion, and our true focus should be on fulfilling our duties during our limited time on this planet. Lord Krishna instructs a weak and trembling Arjun not to abandon his duty because of material fears.
Fear of failure and respect for yourself are the two obstacles to reaching your goals. Gita advises facing your fears bravely.
5. Your life is based on your Beliefs

You are what you think you are. Your thoughts make and define you. If you think of being happy even in times of failure, you will be happy. If you let revenge take over your mind even in times of success, you harbor negative impressions.
Having positive thoughts helps you achieve a balanced perspective, stay confident, overcome negative notions, prepare well to meet challenges, and channel your energy to achieve your goals. So, do not let negative thoughts take over your mind and ruin your chances.
6. Don’t doubt your Abilities

Doubting oneself is the first step toward self-destruction. We humans generally have little idea of what we are capable of because we limit ourselves by comparing our successes with others, by thinking we are not good enough, or by confining ourselves to social standards.
We fail to understand that our abilities, beliefs, and goals should matter most to us. Doubting ourselves will not only hinder the journey to success but will also lead to not realizing our full potential. So, don’t doubt yourself or your abilities.
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- 6 Best Learnings from Bhagavad Gita - March 22, 2023
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Awesome š what do we need more? These are the most important lessons the self-improvement industry wants to teach. If we only would implement these lessons in our life, the world would be a better place.
Thank you to share it in a summary; everybody should be able to understand.
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted…Do You Honor Every Twist and Turn on Your Path
Many ancient scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita, contain extremely valuable lessons for us. Self-improvement is something that everyone strives for, albeit not always consciously, but we all want to get better. I’ll be writing an article about Ramayan lessons soon as well. Readers are recommended to read and share as well.
Your article on the six best learnings from the Bhagavad Gita is enlightening. The timeless wisdom and life lessons from this ancient text are beautifully summarized in your post. It’s a great reminder of the valuable insights it offers and how they can be applied to our modern lives. Thanks for sharing these profound teachings.